Whitecourt Energy Efficiency Project

Alliance Pipeline (NR Green Limited Partnership)

Project Type

Research & Development

Project Value


Project Status



Whitecourt, AB

Funding Amount


The Whitecourt Recovered Energy Project signaled NRGreen’s first venture into Alberta.

NRGreen installed a waste heat recovery generation system on a compressor site to produce 13.8 MW of power. Waste heat recovery units capture the exhaust from natural gas turbines and convert it into emissions-free electricity.

This was the first installation of the system and there were some challenges. The application of the lessons learned will assist in a successful field execution, commissioning and start-up for future projects.

Troy Randall, Business Development Manager with NRGreen Power, said that the project would not have been possible without support from ERA.

“Without the ERA funding, the project would not go. There’s a lot of risk involved in green energy projects and the funding bridges this gap,” Randall says.