Transformation of CO2 to Valuable Carbon Nanotube Composites

Carbon Corp.

Project Type


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Project Status



Shepard Energy Centre, AB

Funding Amount


Carbon Corp’s technology transforms CO2 into carbon nanotubes (CNT). CNTs have widespread use with applications in concrete, graphene, construction material, batteries, consumer electronics, wind turbines, aircrafts, automobiles, and more.

Carbon Corp is operating a pilot plant in Calgary at the ACCTC to validate the technology at commercial scale. Edmonton-based Capital Power, an investor in CARBON CORP, also plans to build the world’s first commercial-scale CNT production facility at its Genesee power station.

Concrete production is responsible for nearly eight per cent of global CO2 emissions. Lehigh Hanson will take the CNTs from Capital Power and test them for use in concrete production. The technology reduces the amount of cement in concrete, making it lighter, stronger, and less emissions intensive. For every tonne of CNT mixed into concrete, up to 844 tonnes of cement can be avoided, leading to a reduction of over 6 million tonnes of CO2e by 2025.