Frequently Asked Questions
All oil and gas facilities that have a facility code with an Operational Status of Active (Petrinex or equivalent) are eligible to participate. For projects to be eligible, they must occur at facilities located within Alberta, be operated, owned or leased by the Participant, meet project timeline requirements, and follow the criteria outlined in the Participant Terms and Conditions.
Like the Energy Savings for Business Program, one of SPEED’s key objectives is to drive increased market uptake of proven commercial technologies to small- and medium-sized businesses. SPEED targets small- and medium-sized businesses through the program design elements including the eligible measure types, the technology size limit, and the $1 million incentive maximum per parent company. However, all oil and gas facilities with an active facility code in Petrinex are eligible to participate.
Petrinex, a joint strategic organization supporting Canada’s upstream, midstream and downstream petroleum industry, facilitates management /exchange of “data of record” information essential to the operation of the petroleum sector.
You can check the status of your facility in the Petrinex Facility Identifiers Report. To be eligible for SPEED, the Facility Code must have an Operational Status of ‘Active.’
If you cannot find your facility in the above link, please contact speed@esbprogram.ca.
Yes. Applicants and product and service providers who have already registered for the ESB Program will need to register again for SPEED using a distinct email address. Both Applicants and product and service providers can register on the SPEED webpage.
Yes, facilities regulated under Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) are eligible. Facilities that have opted-in to TIER and sites not currently opted-in under the regulation are also eligible.
Participants can work with the vendor(s)/engineering firm(s)/manufacturer(s)/distributor(s) of their choice to purchase and install eligible technologies. However, you must designate at least one contractor for each project application as an Eligible Contractor.
If the contractor is already registered, you will be able to select them from a dropdown list in the SPEED Portal. If the contractor has not already done so, please have them register to be an Eligible Contractor in SPEED. The process is quick and easy.
We will not be posting a list of Eligible Contractors on our website. Please find a contractor that is the right fit for your organization.
An external contractor is not required. All projects must have an Eligible Contractor assigned in the SPEED Portal; however, Participants wishing to complete the project internally can register a second account as an Eligible Contractor and assign themselves to the project. With this approach, the following also applies:
- The SPEED Contractor Code of Conduct and all associated requirements to be an Eligible Contractor must be accepted and adhered to
- Costs associated with labour completed internally will not be considered as eligible expenses
- Any eligible costs not supported by third-party invoices or proof of payment will be set equal to the fair market value, as determined by ERA.
Submitting an application for project pre-approval is required to be eligible for funding. ERA strongly recommends submitting an application and receiving pre-approval prior to starting the work to ensure that the project expenses are eligible and all requirements are met.
If Participants wish to begin their project prior to pre-approval of the project, they accept full risk of potentially being ineligible or not being pre-approved for funding. No exceptions will be made for projects that fail to meet the published SPEED Participant Terms and Conditions.
All applications must be started by the Participant. The Participant is then able to assign an Eligible Contractor, who may be internal or external to the organization. The Eligible Contractor can input project details and upload project documents on the Participant’s behalf, once the Participant gives them access to the application by assigning them.
The Participant is then responsible for reviewing the details prior to submitting the application for pre-approval, along with some additional steps further in the process including acknowledging agreement with the SPEED Participant Terms and Conditions.
If your project changes between pre-approval and the post-project submission, you will need to update your application details in the SPEED Portal and ensure that the correct incentive is reserved for your project. Once you are past the pre-project approval step, you will not be able to make substantial changes unless you submit a Change Request. Without submitting a Change Request, you will not be able to add new measures categories; you will only be able to remove them. You can change the quantities of the specific measures you have indicated that you are installing; however, the incentive amount is capped at 105 per cent of what was pre-approved.
Changes that are permissible to the project during installation phases are:
- An increase in the quantity of Eligible Measures listed in the Application Summary, where the Pre-Project Estimated Incentive increases by 5 percent or less
- A decrease in the quantity of Eligible Measures to be installed
- A change to the model number of an Eligible Measure provided that the new model number meets the same Specifications for that Eligible Measure
- A change to the Eligible Contractor
The Participant may request any other change to the Participant Acceptance not listed above by submitting a written request to ERA 60 days prior to the Project deadline. ERA will consider each Change Request on a case-by-case basis and make a decision about the Change Request at ERA’s sole discretion.
As part of the pre-approval process, each project will receive an Application Summary that clearly states a submission deadline. Projects that fail to meet that deadline risk losing their funding.
Pre-approval reservations are valid for up to ten months from the date that the approval is granted. Projects may request timeline extensions at pre-approval and will be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis. Any approved deadline extensions will also be clearly shown on the application approval form.
After the project is constructed, the Participant must start the post-project application. At that point, the Participant can again assign a Contractor who can help them complete the post-project application. Similar to the pre-approval application, the Participant will be required to review and submit the post-project application when it is ready.
Site inspections are performed to ensure that equipment or services submitted for incentives have been installed as expected. Inspections will include checks to verify that the product types and quantities installed exactly match the equipment identified in the application. Site visits will be performed through an on-site or virtual inspection, respecting safe operating practices. Participants should have access to all areas of the facility where measures have been installed.
Site inspections will be scheduled after equipment is installed. Site inspections are required for all applications with incentives equal to or greater than $100,000 and will also be performed for randomly sampled applications of less than $100,000. Emissions Reduction Alberta reserves the right to inspect any project prior to issuing an incentive.
Contractors can play a big role in helping Participants fill out technical aspects of the application; however, they cannot start an application on behalf of a client. The Participant must start the application and can then assign an Eligible Contractor. Once the main contractor has been assigned to the application, the Participant can allow the contractor to provide project information, such as technical specs, equipment/measure information, studies, etc. Prior to application submission, the applicant must sign off on the application, and submit it themselves.
Yes, as long as your customer (a Participant) submits a Project Incentive Payment to Eligible Contractor Authorization Form, which can be found in Schedule A of the SPEED Participant Terms and Conditions. This step is completed by the Participant during the post-project review stage once the participant has been notified that they are eligible to receive incentive payment.
If this arrangement is planned, please ensure that all documentation of expenses included as part of the post-project submission show the full costs before incentive values are deducted.
Yes. Oil and gas producers are eligible to participate as long as their facilities have a facility code with an Operational Status of Active (Petrinex or equivalent).
Yes. Additional details on VFDs can be found in the SPEED Eligible Measures List under the Motors and Drives section.
Yes, given that each application will be evaluated individually so to give each project a chance to be evaluated on its own merits, this is the recommended approach.
If multiple measure types in a project are interrelated and must be completed together to proceed (e.g., pump jack electrification and a Variable Frequency Drive), the applicant should submit them together and both measures will be evaluated together.
If you are planning to install the same measure at multiple facilities, in step 5 of the application process please provide a list of all the Petrinex IDs and specify the number of measures being installed at each facility. This way you will not need to submit an application for each facility.
Yes, for engine projects and AFRs, on-site measurements must be provided at the post-project application stage. This includes measurements for both before and after the equipment is installed. The costs to obtain these measurements should be included in your project costs. However, you will only need to spend these costs once your incentive reservation has been confirmed.
Depending on the equipment you are installing, please note that two visits may be required (pre-installation and post-installation). Please budget for these costs accordingly in your application.
SPEED is not a first come, first served program. All applications will be evaluated at the same time once the application window closes. In this sense, we recommend taking the time to submit a complete application before the application deadline. Submitting early will not increase the likelihood of your project receiving funding.
On the SPEED website you will find application checklists that outline requirements for each measure type. Additionally, Application Assist is available if you have any questions. If you require support from Application Assist please contact speed@esbprogram.ca.
Environmental attributes from SPEED projects cannot be traded, sold, or used to generate offset credits. They may be used to meet Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) Regulation compliance requirements in current or future years at the same facility where the SPEED project occurred (or at an aggregated facility).
SPEED participants can continue to have full access to use Emissions Performance Credits or purchase carbon offsets that are not tied to the SPEED project.
As SPEED is not a first come, first served program, we will determine whether a wait list is required once the application window closes. Every application that is submitted within the application period will be reviewed.
If you are unable to find your facility on the Petrinex list, please contact speed@esbprogram.ca
At the pre-project stage fuel savings will be calculated using a model and reported in the application portal. As part of the post-project application process, you will need to take on-site measurements for both before and after the project is installed. Please note that the requirement to take on-site measurements only applies to engine projects and AFR controllers.
If after completing the on-site measurements the savings are different than what was calculated using the model at the pre-project stage, your incentive generally will not be impacted. In circumstances where there is a drastic change in savings ERA may revaluate the incentive amount. Please provide your best estimate at the pre-project stage and the actual measurement for your post-project submission.
Yes. Please note that GHG savings will only be calculated based on technologies in the measures list. In this sense, any GHG savings associated to the battery will not be included when calculating your abatement cost.
No, the environmental attributes and environmental products that are created or otherwise arise from any eligible project cannot be traded, sold, or used to generate offset credits.
For clarity, environmental attributes may be used to meet Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) Regulation compliance requirements in current or future years solely for the TIER regulated facility at which the project is installed.
Expenses that are incurred prior to program launch date of March 7, 2022 are not eligible. The Participant Terms and Conditions will be updated soon to remove the requirement that eligible expenses be made on or after the Application Date.
Please note that only projects that receive a pre-approval application notice can submit eligible expenses for review and approval. If you do not receive a pre-approval application notice, you will not be able to receive funding for your incurred expenses. As such we recommend waiting until you have received a pre-approval application notice before incurring expenses for your project.
SPEED is targeted towards accelerating emissions reductions above ‘business as usual’ practices. Taking into account new construction codes, standard practices, equipment replacement costs, and equipment lifetimes, SPEED measures may be eligible strictly for equipment retrofits and replacement (brownfield) while other measures may also be available for new construction (greenfield). All measures applicable to new construction are clearly indicated on the SPEED Eligible Measure list. Eligible new construction projects are exempt from the requirement to be in operation for one year or more.
If you have a greenfield project that you believe will result in emissions reductions above ‘business as usual’ practices, please contact speed@esbprogram.ca
Only the emissions reduction from converting the pumpjack power source from a natural gas generator to grid-power would be counted towards the project emissions reduction calculation. The emissions reduction from the electrification of the other equipment would not be included when calculating your abatement cost.
To calculate CO2e, you first need to multiply the Global Warming Potential (GWP) factor by the annual tonnes of emissions reductions for each of the following greenhouse gas species: CO2, CH4, N2O and SF6. You then need to sum all the emissions reductions.
The IPCC fourth assessment report, which is the current basis for National Inventory Reporting in Canada and internationally, has the following factors for GWP:
CO2: 1
CH4: 25
N2O: 298
SF6: 22,800
Using the example below, CO2e would be calculated as follows:
CO2: 500 tonnes/year
CH4: 20 tonnes/year
N2O: 1 tonnes/year
SF6: 0.0004 tonnes/year
500 (CO2) + 500 (CH4) + 298 (N2O) + 9.12 (SF6) = 1,307.12 tonnes of CO2e per year.
Engine upgrades are generally not eligible for new construction. However, if you can provide supporting documentation in your application to show that the upgrade will result in an engine that provides emissions reductions above ‘business as usual’, the project will be eligible. For additional detail on how we define ‘business as usual’, please see the Guidelines document on the SPEED website.
Note that you will also need to provide pre-engine upgrade data in your application as per the High-Efficiency-Engine-Checklist.
Yes, in your application you are able to submit a portion or all of your project’s eligible expenses. If you have additional project expenses but don’t want to include them as part of your eligible expenses, we still recommend entering these costs in Step 5 of the application so that we can consider them if additional funding becomes available.
If the ECCC facility ID can be found using the link here: https://climate-change.canada.
When submitting your application, please input the ECCC ID in the Petrinex ID box when prompted for your facility details.
SPEED is a prescriptive program and incentives are based on size, quantity, capacity, or a metric of energy savings. The incentive for economizers was set based on recovering heat from the boiler exhaust. However, if in your project there is a greater potential for heat recovery on the engine exhaust stack, we would provide an exception for you to apply for an incentive under the economizer measure category. Please note the incentive cap remains $20,000 for non-condensing and $30,000 for condensing economizers.
Minimum requirements for submitting an application are as follows:
- The participant, facility and project meet all the eligibility requirements in the SPEED Participant Terms and Conditions.
- The application is submitted before the application deadline of 5:00PM MST on May 9, 2022.
- Applications must be submitted using the SPEED Portal. Users must create an account and complete all mandatory forms to submit an application. Each application must consist of the following:
- Completed Workplan Template.
- Full Cost Quote(s). The Cost Quote should identify the manufacturer name and model numbers of the equipment. Additionally, the costs provided in the Cost Quote should align with the sum of the three types of costs (equipment and materials, labour, and design/other) provided in the application for each Eligible Measure. Please use the Cost Quote Template (available on the SPEED webpage) to help speed
up the review of your application. - All additional information as required in the Application Checklist for each applicable Measure category (Application Checklists are available on the SPEED webpage).
- Online Information: In addition to the application content outlined above, applicants are also required to enter general information about the project into the Portal.
If you have any questions regarding your application or minimum requirements, please contact us before the application deadline.
As per the Alberta Greenhouse Gas Quantification Methodologies (Version 2.2), please use the emissions factor found in table 1-3 to convert NOx to N2O emissions.
Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Our dedicated contact centre is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Our team will work hard to get back to you within two business days. We’re happy to help you with any questions about the program or how to apply. Please let our team know that you are applying for the Expanded Technologies Pilot and as for the Application Assist team for help.
Email: speed@esbprogram.ca | Toll-free: 844-407-0025
Local (403) number: 403-778-9467
Local (780) number: 780-306-8376
Local (587) number: 587-943-1688
Eligible Alberta businesses can reduce emissions, decrease operating costs, grow their operations and become more competitive, while creating skilled jobs and boosting economic recovery.
Email: support@esbprogram.ca | Toll-free: 844-407-0025
This pilot program offers a new pathway for Alberta businesses to propose effective, commercially viable technologies with a high return on investments not currently supported through the Energy Savings for Business Program.
Email: etp@esbprogram.ca | Toll-free: 844-407-0025