Frequently Asked Questions
The limits apply to both the Lead Applicant and the Project Partners.
- The 50% limit of total eligible expenses will apply to the funding amount requested per EOI.
- $250,000 per project is the maximum for each EOI submitted.
- $1,000,000 per parent company limit for any Lead Applicant or Project Partner, including funding received from projects pre-approved or completed through the ESB program.
- ESB funding applies only to the participant, not a contractor.
- For multi-facility projects, the total funding amount will be applied to the lead applicant. Funding will be applied on a facility basis to Partners that own individual facilities.
- When there is strong justification for an exceptional project opportunity, ERA may choose to offer funding beyond the above stated limits.
- If you have questions regarding how a limit applies in your case, please contact: ETP@esbprogram.ca.
The participant best suited to act as the primary point of contact and sole signatory for the Contribution Agreement should submit the application. This choice is at the discretion of the applicant to decide who is best suited for these roles and responsibilities.
For example, if the Applicant is installing the technology within multiple facilities, the contractor or technology provider should submit the application and include the facility owners as Project Partners.
ERA recommends that applicants bundle all facilities installing the same technology system into one application since each technology will only be funded once. If the project has a different scale, operating parameters, operating environment, or utilization purpose, such that the GHG reductions, energy savings, or business case outcomes are significantly different, submission of separate EOIs may be warranted.
There could be several unique situations depending on your project. Please contact ETP@esbprogram.ca to determine what is the best fit for your technology and project proposal.
The purpose of the ETP is for ERA to support projects with new technology systems to better understand their performance, market potential, and potential fit with current or future initiatives. To make best use of the funding available and to support a broad range of technology system types, ERA will only fund one project (FPP) of each technology type unless a subsequent project (at the EOI stage) demonstrates the technology system at a different scale, under different operating parameters, in a different operating environment, or with a different utilization purpose such that the GHG reductions, energy savings, or business case outcomes are significantly different.
Current technology systems being funded through the ETP are updated on the Pilot website weekly. If you have a similar project planned and are considering seeking funding, please contact etp@esbprogram.ca to find out whether it will be considered.
Divide the total project costs by $200 and then divide by the technology life. This equals the emission reductions per year of the technology.
For example, my project costs $500,000 and has a lifetime of 30 years. To meet the minimum eligibility requirements, this project will have to achieve the following annual emissions reductions:
$500,000 / $200 = $2,500 / 30 years = a minimum of 83 tons of CO2 emissions saved per year
The ETP is intended to explore new technologies not currently supported through ESB. In most cases, if your technology fits within the measure list description and requirements, it is not eligible. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis, where a technology meets the Measure List requirements but is substantially different from the standard product targeted by that measure so that it is not well supported by ESB. For example, if your product offers substantially higher energy savings or emission reductions, it may be considered.
Please include information about the differences between your technology and the measure on the list and a supporting explanation of why it should be considered separately under Section 3 of the Expression of Interest.
Currently within the ETP EOI stages, study means project.
Expanded Technologies Pilot is a stream within the ESB Program that allows participants to propose cost-effective measures unique to projects and buildings, that may not be included in the Energy Savings for Business Program.
All Final Project documentation must be submitted by September 30, 2023. Depending on the length of the project, you will determine how long you need to construct and submit the application. For example, if you require a year to construct your project, your project approval must be submitted by March 31, 2022.
As a pilot, the ETP may close at any time. Anyone with an active EOI or FPP will be given notice to submit their proposals prior to closure. Depending on how quickly the funding is distributed, the pilot may close earlier.
Download and complete all the necessary forms and upload them into the ERIMS platform. For further guidance, please review Section 6 of the Guidelines. If you would like assistance or have any questions, please contact ETP@esbprogram.ca.
Please refer to the Proposal Forms and Guidelines for the full requirements. We will make a determination based on eligibility, technical feasibility, project and measure costs, market potential, requested funding and GHG reductions.
The ESB New Measure Pilot aims to support and evaluate technologies not available in the ESB program (ESB Measures List) and have potential to offer cost-effective savings to Alberta’s businesses. ETP projects should be composed of Technology System(s) that can be supported in ESB or similar initiatives and are comprised of either a one-to-one system replacement or an isolated Technology System(s) upgrade. The Technology System(s) should be simple enough that GHG emissions reductions can be consistently and accurately predicted using a model or system of equations with a limited number of input variables.
For a technology to be eligible under ETP it must be in the commercial stage. This means that the product is proven through successful deployment in operational settings, is available to anyone for purchase, can be manufactured widely and is TRL level 9+. The technology cannot be in the research, development, pilot, or prototype stage.
The application review and approval process will be different than ESB. The two-stage approval process will start with an initial Expression of Interest to provide a description of the project, technical specifications, high-level GHG reductions and budgets and market potential. Once the Expression of Interest has been reviewed and approved, a Full Project Proposal will be requested that will include more detailed information regarding the project. Once evaluated and approved, a funding decision will be provided.
Funding will not be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Projects will be reviewed and evaluated as they are submitted, and funding will only be issued to successful applicants.
Full Project Proposals will be evaluated by a committee of 3-4 experts according to the criteria established in Section 7 of the Guidelines. Project approval is also subject to funding availability
We are testing technologies for future initiatives and some may be considered for ESB depending on the timeframe of the project completion, technology suitability, and ERA evaluation to build out the new measure. The earlier the project is completed, the better the likelihood of being added to the Eligible Measure List prior to ESB Program closure allowing for more businesses accessing new measures.
Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Our dedicated contact centre is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Our team will work hard to get back to you within two business days. We’re happy to help you with any questions about the program or how to apply. Please let our team know that you are applying for the Expanded Technologies Pilot and as for the Application Assist team for help.
Email: ETP@esbprogram.ca | Toll-free: 844-407-0025
Local (403) number: 403-778-9467
Local (780) number: 780-306-8376
Local (587) number: 587-943-1688
Eligible Alberta businesses can reduce emissions, decrease operating costs, grow their operations and become more competitive, while creating skilled jobs and boosting economic recovery.
Email: support@esbprogram.ca | Toll-free: 844-407-0025
Through additional financial incentives for participants bundling efficiency measures and new technology types, CES supports facilities that are aiming to achieve deeper emissions reductions and energy savings.
Email: support@esbprogram.ca | Toll-free: 844-407-0025